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The Power of Employee Communications

From frontline engagement
to digital transformation.

In this eBook we explore the power dedicated employee communications apps are bringing to frontline staff, as well as other parts of the organization.

The ability to bring all employees into the digital workplace is being driven by a generation of easy-to-use technology solutions that employees can access securely on their own mobile devices. These mobile-first digital experiences are rewriting the conversation about who can access digital services, bypassing old barriers around cost, digital identities, and access to tools and resources.

In this report you will discover how digital workplace solutions can support efficiency, engagement, and innovation. In particular, we look at how to create significant opportunities for greater inclusion and diversity in the workplace that involves all staff, whether they are in the office or on the frontlines.

A sneak peek inside the eBook.
1. What is an employee communications app?
2. Changing the game: the benefits of an employee communications app
3. Driving digital transformation
4. Future-proofing the hybrid workplace
5. Revolutionizing frontline engagement
6. Delivering the mobile-first digital workplace
7. Empowering the employee voice
8. Supercharging employee experience
9. Seven steps to launching an employee communications app

Improving the employee experience for frontline workers - Construction worker in a hard hat working with employee communications

Highly connected companies are twice as likely to hold a favourable market position compared to those that aren’t.

Harvard Business Review

64% of organizations with digitally connected frontline employees reported lower employee turnover.

48% of employees will continue to work remotely after COVID

Research suggests that remote working during COVID has impacted the mental wellbeing of up to 35% of employees, with 38% suggesting employer support can help.

In industry sectors where there is a large proportion of deskless staff, employee turnover can be among the very highest rates - as high as 300%.

77% of executives believe freelance and gig workers will substantially replace full-time employees within the next four years.

Mercer’s Global TalentTrends Report

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