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The design process that is involved in creating a visually appealing user interface is crucial in ensuring an exceptional user experience for business users – much thought goes into the branding of the site – things like fonts, colors and visuals all play a large role in how successful the platform will be for the entire business as a whole.

Initially, business users need to be romanced a little – but not too much that it scares them away too quickly. The shade of a color too bright? The size of a font too small? Maybe even the wrong usage of branded images? It can all go array with the wrong first approach. Presenting them with something uniform will be the best way to get them on the same page.

What Is the best approach to capturing the attention of business users?

So how can you best approach capturing the attention of business users? By whipping up a wireframe version of the digital portal. A wireframe is a very common method amongst IT professionals which is used to showcase the centralization of important tools commonly used by the business users in a neat, concise and uniform manner.

Wireframes are typically used in the preliminary stages of integrating enterprise solutions, like Microsoft SharePoint, to present an accurate and introductory stage of a potential digital platform. A wireframe will usually be presented in grayscale, use only one font, display blank boxes, relevant company content and ultimately will be engineered to best look like the eventual final product.

Why can’t you just draft up a digital portal?

Are you wondering why you shouldn’t just draft up an amazing digital portal for those business users? Well, as previously mentioned, the business user’s perception can become a bit hazy with a full out representation. That would include colors, visuals or branding of any sort and this may specifically pertain to the business users and their company and that can detract from the actual layout and content of the platform infrastructure which is ideally the most important part of the process. The secondary features will follow as the business users and system integrators build more of a relationship and come to terms on a more consolidated approach with regard to specific design over time. Then will you have created a proper SharePoint wireframe.

how to get business users on same page with SharePoint wireframe

SharePoint Wireframe

SharePoint wireframes can be created with a number of different third party software such as, Balsamiq, Illustrator, Axure and Microsoft Visio. The wireframes created from these software programs will be the key to effective UX design. The SharePoint UX will be that much better because you’re engaging business users in the process from the very basic stages of the platform.

LiveTiles now allows business users to create wireframes. As you probably already know, LiveTiles is of course a software that works on top of Microsoft SharePoint to create a more enriching and innovative experience for the common SharePoint user. In a more streamlined approach, business users can interchangeably switch between wireframe mode and final drafts of portals for quick edits.

So, how can you get business users on the same page? Wireframes bring together all the important elements in your workflow in a concise, simple and basic form to introduce a rough draft of a potential digital platform for business users.

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