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Don’t take chances when managing emergencies

Let’s face it, Employee Occupational Health and Safety Compliance isn’t the top priority in many organizations. Some employees don’t even know what Emergency Management System they’re working with or have reviewed their company’s policies and procedures during times of emergency.

IT managers need to address these issues and take action to ensure occupational safety and avoid reputational risk and legal liability.

Fast and effective communications during an emergency saves lives

Many employees don’t know what Emergency Management System is used in their organization. Some haven’t even updated their Emergency Contact details or reviewed their company’s emergency policies and procedures.

Sports facility managers need to address these issues and take action to ensure occupational safety and avoid reputational risk and legal liability.

LiveTiles Roll Call makes it easy for IT Managers to get all the important details out to their employees:

LiveTiles Roll Call is a robust emergency management system that combines emergency and crisis management, compliance, and communications in one easy-to-use app.

Real-time roll call or polls

Create a real-time roll call from anywhere at any time. Filter by country, department, or office. Push notifications and emails are sent to employees every 5 minutes (24 hrs for polls) until a response is received

Live collated responses

Real-time collated responses are viewable by multiple administrators

Staff directory

All contact details are at your fingertips including emergency contact details


Call emergency services by pressing a button


If enabled, location is detected for 'not safe' respondents


Helps companies meet OH&S requirements


Call emergency services by pressing a button


If enabled, location is detected for 'not safe' respondents


Helps companies meet OH&S requirements

An effective communications tool saves lives during a crisis

LiveTiles Roll Call is an emergency management app that combines crisis management, compliance, and communications in one easy-to-use platform.

LiveTiles Roll Call — like LiveTiles Reach, our premium solution that centralizes workplace communication — is built with cutting-edge technology. You can bring safety management into your employee mobile app with Reach and keep your employees safe while making compliance easier than ever.

Security & BCP: Security and privacy are of the utmost priority at LiveTiles

In addition to our stringent procedures, we’ve designed our systems architecture to ensure that we operate on a highly secure systems platform.

Our web service interfaces utilize TLS v1.3 encryption for data transmission over the internet. No personally identifiable information (PII) is stored in memory on devices — it’s all stored securely in the cloud using AWS in Australia.

Unlike other messaging tools, conversation history is not accessible if an employee leaves your firm. Should your server be compromised, the LiveTiles Roll Call app can be used as a BCP tool to ensure enterprise communications continue.

Emergency Management

Send emergency push notifications to personnel and get real-time response summaries.


Use the app exclusively for crisis communications or as a day-to-day enterprise communications tool for dispersed workers who aren’t in front of a computer.


Complete a real-time roll call from anywhere, provide access to company policies and procedures to your employees, and keep track of critical emails and SMS.

Join other leading brands from all industries that choose LiveTiles.

Mega-corporations around the world are leveraging their internal communications for better employee experience.

Crisis communications and enterprise communications in one seamless tool

Through integration with LiveTiles Reach, LiveTiles Roll Call gives you easy-to-use emergency management solutions in your employee mobile app. It keeps your employees safe while making compliance easier than ever.

The LiveTiles Roll Call app effectively supports a mobile intranet with a staff directory and noticeboard for company announcements, rosters, job ads, useful links, and more. Use the app exclusively for crisis communications or it can be used as a day-to-day enterprise communications tool for dispersed workers who aren’t in front of a computer.

Employee Safety Management made more effective

Emergency Management
Send emergency push notifications to personnel and get real-time response summaries.

Complete a real-time roll call from anywhere, provide access to company policies and procedures to your employees, and keep track of critical emails and SMS.

LiveTiles Roll Call keeps you safe and secure on all fronts

We’ve designed our systems architecture to ensure that we operate on a highly secure platform. Our web service interfaces utilize TLS v1.3 encryption for data transmission over the internet. No personally identifiable information (PII) is stored in memory on devices — it’s all stored securely in the cloud using AWS in Australia.

Unlike other messaging tools, conversation history is not accessible if an employee leaves your firm. Should your server be compromised, the LiveTiles Roll Call app can be used as a BCP tool to ensure enterprise communications continue.

Get Started

Book a consultation so we can help you eliminate the need for manual work and save time with LiveTiles Roll Call.