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At LiveTiles we love working with our customers to help them have the very best digital workplace experience.

At our recent LiveTilesX Customer Conference, Host of the Intelligent Workplace podcast, Chris Lukianenko, and LiveTiles Customer Success Champion, Molly Steer, joined Luke Havelberg (Associate Director Planning and Analytical Services) and Anthony Paterson (Capital Program Lead), from Flinders University, and Ahmed Javed from Global Supply Chain Solutions & Expolanka (EFL) to hear about their digital workplace challenges and successes – we think these stories are well worth sharing.

For this discussion we didn’t focus on the tech itself.

“We wanted to look how our customers have interpreted our tech,” Chris explained.

“We heard how they solved problems, addressed customer needs, or pushed the boundaries within their companies to create the best digital workplace.”

Staying connected to your team with great people data

As a Customer Success Champion, Molly knows that having accurate staff data is incredibly valuable, especially with a dispersed workforce. She also knows many businesses struggle to get this right.

“Getting your people data in shape helps with a lot. Not only with culture, but with getting the right information to the right people, efficiently and effectively,” she said.

EFL is using LiveTiles Directory to improve their people data. A bot will do all the hard work for them once it’s fully configured.

“I’m really looking forward to the time-saving aspect and having correct information across the network,” Ahmed said.

Communication is vital to keeping EFL’s global operations running smoothly.

“Global trade is subject to so many disruptions like political instability, changing regulations, and even weather.

“It’s very important to have that integrated network with contact information and employee data,” Amed said.

“It’s critical to be able to contact the person on the ground when you’re working with the large brands.”

How EFL is leveraging LiveTiles Reach

Ahmed said using LiveTiles’ employee app ‘Reach’ is a natural progression after using LiveTiles Directory.

“With Directory you’re able to align the interests of individuals across continents. It allows data to be shared and captured, unifying a global workforce.

“What I really also like about Reach is the ability to customize news and information based on the audience,” he said.

“We have over 20 nationalities across the company. Information is translated to give it a local feeling.”

Flinders’ new world of insights

Flinders needed a centralized, simple use case to use for data-driven decisions. This would help them to consistency of conversation and decision-making across the university.

Luke and Anthony spent some time investigating options and chose LiveTiles Designer.

“It was providing great out-of-box functionality but flexible enough that we could build something really rich,” Anthony said.

“We ended up with a fantastic intelligence portal we affectionately call ‘FLIP’ or ‘the Flipper’, the FLlinders Intelligence Portal.”

Flinders now has a great self-service interface that provides a single point of contact for their community to source analytics.

Speeding up decisions during COVID-19

With the data collated and accurate, the team examined what the data could do for the university.

“Our decision-makers began to have more confidence in the data.

“What we then see is an increase in the velocity of decision-making, and that’s been really critical in our response to COVID over the last five or six months.

“There’s been various impacts to the higher education industry in different ways, but Flinders has been able to manage that well,” he said.

“Part of that is our ability to use data to respond to what we’re seeing around enrolments, and it’s been really good.”

View the full panel discussion here.

Find out how LiveTiles’ tech can help you create the best digital workplace.

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