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Welcome to Massimo! —Our next product release cycle named after the renowned designer Massimo Vignelli, responsible for creating the New York City subway map, and the upcoming product features will be just as simple and stunning.

This week’s product release has five improvements and one bug fix, including Nano Scrollbars which introduce a minimalist design within the product. Be sure to check back in a couple weeks, when we’ll be releasing more new features to your LiveTiles Design screen. Until then, scope out the below table, which explains this week’s release in detail.


Click Target: Add “None” OptionWe have introduced the ability to select the click target of “None” when choosing options of how to load content. This will allow you to have content on news and image tiles without needing to click to open up the content.

This option has been included on the Documents tile, the Schedule tile and the My List tile.

Add Text and Image on Yammer SliderThe Yammer Slider has now been improved in order to bring it into line with other slider tiles, such as the Facebook and Twitter slider tiles. With the Yammer tile, you now have the ability to change the image, as well as add padding and image display options of centre/fit/tile/fill. We have also added text options to the tile. This will allow you to place as well as edit text on the tile.
Option to Hide Upload Icons on Document and List tilesWe have added the ability to hide the upload icon from tiles.

The following tiles have had this added as a feature: My List tile, Documents tile and Schedule tile.

Nano ScrollbarsTo improve the overall look of the canvas, we are starting to introduce minimalist toolbars to tiles within the product. This will give tiles a much cleaner and neat look compared to the standard toolbars which are used in the product.

We have introduced the scrollbars to the following tiles: Documents tile, News List tile, My List tile, My Team tile and Schedule List tile.

News List, News and Card Slider Tile: Add Attachment as an Option for the Image SourceYou now have the option to choose whether the image is sourced from either the attachments or image column when using the News, News List and Card Slider tiles.

Bug Fix:

Custom Field None: Error messageOn fields where the ability to choose none as option, the field will now return nothing instead of an error message.

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