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Box Hill Institute

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As an education organisation that emphasises practical, personal and flexible learning, Box Hill Institute wanted to capitalise on the momentum of its switch to Office 365 at the outset of COVID-19.


The Challenge

After COVID-19 hit, Box Hill Institute’s workforce swiftly became a remote workforce. In addition to adapting to teaching online, the education provider needed a solution for its employee intranet to integrate into the new deployed Office 365 tools, including Microsoft Teams and Yammer.

The Solution

By working with Box Hill Institute on its communication and employee engagement needs, LiveTiles delivered a single Intelligent Intranet solution that empowered staff to connect, communicate and collaborate with each other regardless of location or device.

The Result

Thanks to the new digital workplace, Box Hill Institute has been able to launch its OurSpace Digital Workplace to all of its 2000+ staff. The project will also eliminate an outdated policies and procedures system, with a roadmap to replace it with LiveTiles’ inbuilt capability, and greatly improved governance.

The Challenge

Enlivening internal communications

As an education organisation that emphasises practical, personal and flexible learning, Box Hill Institute wanted to capitalise on the momentum of its switch to Office 365 at the outset of COVID-19.

The Institute began discussing its internal communications strategy with LiveTiles. This included the current challenges and the desired outcomes in both short and long term. The main goal for employees was to improve employee engagement and communications, particularly through the use of Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and SharePoint, integrated through one intelligent digital workplace solution.

The project was a core part of the Enliven Internal Communications Strategic Project, with a goal of streamlining communications to connect employees and build an inclusive employee experience. This aligned to one of the key five themes in the Box Hill Institute Strategy, valuing our people.

Box Hill Institute’s workforce comprises educators and teaching staff. These staff function as frontline workers delivering to students on campus and online, as well as professional support services who drive business and campus operations. With staff working remotely during COVID and across multiple locations in Victoria and internationally, it was important for employees to have one true digital workplace.

With LiveTiles functionality, Box Hill Institute also saw another opportunity; they could move from a legacy quality management system and increase governance through the implementation of the policies and procedures into the digital workplace. This would provide an accessible experience for employees and increase the reporting function to the Quality Team.

The Solution

Time was of the essence

Box Hill Institute signed the contract with LiveTiles in early November, but there was a short deadline. The project needed has to be complete by late December. This was to kick-start the New Year and capitalise on the new digital momentum that had emerged through 2020.

“With our students as our core focus, we know that we must equip our staff with the right workplace tools. Creating a Digital Workplace Platform through LiveTiles has improved our employee experience and enabled a hybrid working environment for the future of our workforce.”

The Result

Seamless professional partnership

The LiveTiles Professional Services Team started working with the Box Hill Institute Internal Communications Team on the quick implementation of the intelligent digital workplace.  A collegiate working relationship quickly developed.

The process was described as “seamless” by Box Hill Institute.  Regardless of which member of the Box Hill Institute team called or what their question was, LiveTiles team members always took a “solutions focus”.

Everything’s in OurSpace

Box Hill Institute now has an intelligent digital workplace solution, called OurSpace, which empowers its employees to communicate, connect and collaborate between its campus locations, online environments and everywhere in between.

A key indicator of success for Box Hill Institute was the level of participation on Yammer, as the new environment integrated the multiple platforms, leveraging off the connections created through Yammer.

Almost 750 active users were engaging on Yammer in the first days after the solution was rolled out. This is  “unprecedented” for Box Hill Institute. The intelligent digital workplace platform had exceeded its own benchmark targets in just a few weeks. Ongoing integrations and content are added daily.

With majority of Box Hill Institute staff returned to campus, the continued importance of staff being able to communicate and collaborate with each other via an intelligent digital workplace,  irrespective of where they are working from, especially with ongoing snap lockdowns in Australia, cannot be understated.

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