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The Business Case for Employee Retention - Whitepaper

The Business Case for Employee Retention

High employee turnover means high costs: learn more about why employee retention matters for costs, collaboration, and culture.

At a time when employees are voting with their feet for a more flexible work culture and prioritizing issues such as trust, purpose, and wellbeing in the workplace – how can organizations hold on to their talented people and what is the actual price when employee exit for good? 
Workplace trends and studies by leading research groups reveal underreported numbers on serious financial losses when it comes to sourcing, vetting, and onboarding new recruits. From replacing CEOs to knowledge workers, there’s a wide spectrum of how heavy costs impact organizations when they fail to retain their employees — and the damage deepens when no mitigating measures are taken. 

Read our latest white paper to find out how enterprise leaders, human resources, IT professionals, and communication teams are coming together and paying attention to the strategic importance of employee experience.  

Download your complimentary copy today and learn to increase the uptake and impact of your messages, drive grassroots storytelling, connect meaningfully with employees and bring transformation to your workforce. 


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