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What’s the best digital workplace solution for your business?

At LiveTiles, that question is always on our minds.

We are in the next phase of our product journey, following five years of hard work and innovation, as well as supporting our customers to speed up their digital innovation during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Simon Tyrrell, LiveTiles Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, recently presented the roadmap at our LiveTilesX Customer Conference.

He reflects that the product development was partly framed by this powerful quote: “It’s not about trying to get people to adopt your intranet or digital workplace anymore, it’s about the solution adopting people…”

“That quote sums up a lot of our thinking. We are also driven by our product principles,” he said.

LiveTiles’ four key product principles

  1. Be where the users are. Don’t make them switch context.
  2. Hide complexity. Make it as easy as possible for people to get what they need.
  3. Be intelligent, and guide or automate user journeys. Use everyday AI to drive user productivity.
  4. Deliver unforgettable experiences. Give users beautiful, simple, and cohesive experiences.

LiveTiles Intranet: Different organizations have different intranet needs

We know there’s not a one-size-fits-all intranet that’s going to work for everyone. The best digital workplace solution for one organization might not fit another.

LiveTiles’ digital innovation is bringing all the capabilities of what were previously Wizdom and MatchPoint intranet products into LiveTiles Intranet, an approach recognized recently in the Forrester Wave report that ranked LiveTiles ahead of contenders such as Atlassian and Microsoft.

Our key goal is to deliver an intranet with flexible, rich brand, design, and layout options that delivers an incredible user experience.

What’s next for LiveTiles Intranet?

“We’re continuing to invest in the evolution of these features, so if you’re a LiveTiles Design customer, a Wizdom customer, or an MatchPoint Hub customer, you will soon see the sharing of capabilities between these,” Simon said.

“We’re also working on a new mobile experience and a universal content publishing engine, both of which are critical for digital workplace inclusion and employee engagement.”

LiveTiles Everywhere: Bringing Value (not noise) to Users

The key goal of Everywhere is the power to bring users content and resources that they can get real value from.

“What was Power Panel (and is now Everywhere) has been used for things like a catalogue of quick links, news, that type of thing, but it could actually be used for just about anything.

“It’s about providing an inclusive employee experience, regardless of where users are doing their work, so they’re not doing that context switching,” Simon said.

“Everywhere is both easy and powerful and the great thing about it, is you can have it on your intranet, you can have it on Teams, and you will be able to have it on mobile experiences into the future.”

What’s next for LiveTiles Everywhere?

LiveTiles is currently building out a cloud service to simplify the deployment of this for customers who don’t have a full Wizdom installation in place.

“The other thing I’m very excited about relates to our Quantum platform. Expect it to start to prioritize certain information based on usage patterns, or based on the context the user is currently in.”

LiveTiles Reach: Connect your staff, wherever they work

LiveTiles Reach’s core proposition? You’ll be up and running fast. It gives the ability to publish rich news, events, and it includes a handy, automated people directory.

This lightweight SaaS based platform also has an on-premises version in the works for customers that want that.

“The mobile experience is very rich. It’s now also in Teams,” Simon said.

“And, we’ve already got it working with a Slack bot.”

There has been a phenomenal uptake and interest in Reach since the onset of COVID, in many cases because the pandemic underlined for our customers, particularly the public sector, how much improvement was needed for their internal communications.

What’s next for LiveTiles Reach?

LiveTiles’ exciting new partnership with Canva means you will soon be able to create first-class custom imagery without being a graphic designer, and it will all be seamlessly integrated.

LiveTiles Quantum: Your space-age toolkit

Quantum’s ability to gather accurate employee info is one of its strongest attributes. That means the ability to target personalized content for staff no matter why they reside in the digital workplace.

Quantum’s Analytics module has equally impressive capability.

“Earlier this year, we released the ability to have our heat mapping and page analytics for Modern SharePoint pages, as well as our own LiveTiles pages, and pages delivered from a Wizdom Enterprise intranet platform,” Simon said.

The LiveTiles Vibe module, born out of digital co-innovation with our customers during COVID-19, gives businesses the capability to ask their staff just about anything. Plans are for Vibe to become data driven so it can get smart with what channel it reaches users on.

What’s next for LiveTiles Quantum?

“A key part to Quantum moving forward will be that integration to systems and making that as easy as possible.

“You can say, ‘I’d like to have LiveTiles Vibe reach out to my users, with data from Salesforce, and ask them this’.

“We are literally weeks away from extending Vibe to email.”

Another exciting feature coming is Smart Meetings, which uses AI to do content summarisation.

“Smart Meetings can index and unpack meetings, giving you get a real time personal highlights reel. You can distil down hundreds of hours of meetings into minutes of video playback.” Magic!

Watch the full conference session here.

We want our customers to join our journey. Keep an eye out for our high-level futures road map and upcoming product roadmap webinar series.

Find out more about LiveTiles’ digital workplace solutions. Revolutionize your intranet with LiveTiles.

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