When LiveTiles teamed up with leading IT solutions company Data#3 to help an electoral commission move their processes online, it was a truly awesome partnership.
“The external partner we worked with has been actively trying to create synergy with our companies, specifically across government,” our LiveTiles representative said.
“They are well-placed in the Microsoft world, and with LiveTiles technology being predominantly Microsoft, it made sense for us to collaborate.”
The result? Vote ONE for great technology!
Help! We’re buried in paper
The client had been buried in paper for a long time. They were trying to find practices that would allow them to be more automated, more agile, and more focused on a digital future.
The client has a significant amount of data held internally, primarily organizational data they use to understand how, what, and why elections operate. That includes lots of paperwork around the right processes to roll that out.
They employed around 500 staff, but that number could more than double depending on what kind of election was taking place. Those hundreds of temporary employees only work for the eight weeks in which the election runs, and then they go back to their day jobs.
This meant the client was documenting extensive growth and removal of staff on paper. It just wasn’t efficient.