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Copenhagen Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark Logo

The Danish Foreign Service comprises the Ministry in Copenhagen and a global network abroad of Embassies, Consulates-General and Trade Commissions.


The Challenge

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, is unique in the respect of the way the organisation is organised. Each embassy functions as a smaller organisation, representing Denmark, providing consular services to Danish Nationals and promoting trade and export through consultancy work, alongside developing partnerships. To this end, each embassy needs to have their own intranet site for local knowledge sharing and collaboration.

The Solution

The overall global intranet home page now shows relevant information depending on the user. One third of employees within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, don’t speak Danish. Due to this, the intranet is now in English, and only news targeted at Danish employees is in Danish, so no one feels excluded.

The Result

Employees can now communicate, collaborate and feel included no matter where in the world they are located. Information can be found easily with the optimal information search included within the solution.

The Challenge

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, needed a united government intranet platform, that Brough employees together on a global scale, across 103 embassies, Multilateral Missions, Consulate General’s, Innovation Centres and Trade Offices that are part of the Ministry’s Global Mission.

MFA is unique in the respect of the way the organisation is managed. Each embassy functions as a smaller organisation, representing Denmark, providing consular services to Danish nationals and promoting trade and export through consultancy services and developing partnerships.

Based on intranet user research, finding the right people information quickly was high up on the list of specifications, along with finding ways to help users interacting with the solution once it was launched.

The Solution

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark’s on-prem intranet, LiveTiles partner Netcompany, delivered a solution on the LiveTiles SharePoint platform providing a strong communication and management tool, that will be used on a global scale.

LiveTiles Intranet, based on Microsoft SharePoint, was used to create targeted communications, dependant on user groups and locations.

Keeping user’s needs top of mind, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs new government intranet delivers:

  • Fast and easy access to relevant content and internal resources
  • Relevant information through the deliverance of content through better search and tagging
  • Personalised news feed and improved knowledge sharing through news channels and customised subscriptions
  • Clear distinction between need to know and nice to know, in the policies and procedures

The new intranet contains a lot of information and tools. For this reason, it was vital to create a solution that makes it simple for users to know which information they need to read and how to find it. This was solved by implementing a mega menu navigation bar combined with a task-based information architecture.

There was also a huge undertaking on the part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark in making the Employee Directory, now known as LiveTiles Reach, user friendly and encouraging people to fill in their profile information. Making it easy to find the relevant person for a given situation.

The combination of all the above parts helped to create a structured and ordered solution.

One united platform, bringing together all employees across the entire Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark.

The Result

The new government intranet’s top menu lays the foundation for an intranet navigation that enables easy access to services and information.

Added to this, a Corporate News section includes video news and news from Senior Management. In the “My New” section, a personalised news feed shows relevant news from each employees areas of interest, local unit or project groups.

Included within the solution is a Directory search bar, where users can search for colleagues or departments, filter search results for a refined search experience, and search for people by job function. In combination with the Directory search bar, there is a Directory landing page for all departments, containing a clear overview of all employees in the department, and the team they belong to.

Another important part of the new intranet was policies. Being a governmental and diplomatic organisation, policies must be governed vert carefully. To cater to this need, as part of the new intranet implementation, every document created on a policies page is now automatically tagged correctly. This is also mirrored in the search so users can see clearly the context of the documents appearing in the search results. This was a knock-on effect of displaying better search results overall.

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