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What’s New at LiveTiles: June 2023 

Zack Alami

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Early this year, we set an ambitious goal: to speed up our innovation and deliver three major product updates to you. Now, we’re ready to roll out the first of these exciting updates.  

On our mission to enhance your work experience, we’ve tapped into the power of AI and focused on improving the user experience across our Intranet, Reach, and Directory solutions. Our objective? To revitalize your day-to-day operations and elevate internal communications like never before.  

Today is a big day for us, and hopefully for you too. We’re excited to present these updates and offer a detailed guide. In this post, we’ll discuss how these improvements support our dedication to providing the best features for a smooth digital workplace experience.

Let’s dive in and explore what’s new:

VIVA Connections Cards for SharePoint and Teams

At LiveTiles, we’re proud to be a strategic partner of Microsoft, and our main goal is to help businesses get the most out of their investment in Microsoft technologies. We do this by adding extra features and capabilities to create a more engaging and comprehensive digital workplace experience.

Presenting our latest innovation – the new VIVA Connections Cards for SharePoint and Teams. We’ve designed this integration to work smoothly with Microsoft, creating an ‘everywhere experience’ that not only boosts user engagement but also cuts down on the need to flip between different apps.

Let’s take a closer look at these new VIVA cards:  

  • News Card: Integrates Reach’s news and announcements directly into the Microsoft VIVA Dashboard, keeping users updated with the most relevant information.
  • Events Card: Displays all important events happening across the organization in an easy-to-follow timeline, ensuring users never miss out on important meetings or events.
  • Weather Card: Provides real-time weather conditions, helping users plan their day effectively.
  • People Search Card: Acts as a directory on the go, making it easy to find the right person at the right time within the organization.
  • Office Locations Card: Provides details about all your offices, enhancing inter-office communication and making remote work more efficient.

Watch this video to get a closer look at our new LiveTiles VIVA Connections Cards for SharePoint and Teams. If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to check out this blog post or you can dive into more details in our technical documentation.


Revamping LiveTiles UX: futureproof your digital workplace

At LiveTiles, we love to talk with our customers. We learn how they use our products and what they need to future-proof their Microsoft investment. Those learnings get built into our roadmaps and commitment to continuous innovation.

We’re excited to announce major updates, including a total UX revamp for Reach and improvements to our Intranet solution. These updates unify Reach’s core features, further improving your LiveTiles experience.

Embrace a visually stunning, effortlessly intuitive, and remarkably user-friendly interface that redefines navigation within your digital workspace.

This update reaffirms our commitment to continuously improve and innovate, ensuring that LiveTiles remains a leading solution for creating engaging, personalized, and efficient digital workplaces.

If you’re interested in seeing how our new Reach interface uniquely adapts to your organization’s needs, schedule a demo and one of our experts will be happy to walk you through it.


Cognitive Page Translation for your Intranet

In our quest to make digital workplaces more inclusive and accessible, we’ve introduced a new feature – Cognitive Page Translation. This feature, powered by Azure Machine Translation, allows users to translate all text content on a page automatically.

Users can easily choose their preferred language from a dropdown menu. Once selected, the page content will be instantly translated. This feature removes language barriers, ensuring that all employees, regardless of their native language, can access and understand the content on your intranet.

This not only enhances the user experience but also fosters a more inclusive and diverse digital workplace. Whether you have a multilingual workforce or operate across different regions, the Cognitive Page Translation feature ensures that everyone is on the same page.


New Navigation Builder for SharePoint

Introducing our new “No-code” Mega-Menu Builder, a feature designed to enhance the user experience across our platform. This new feature replaces the previous JSON setup, offering an intuitive Matrix Navigation and Mega-Menu configuration interface that’s easy to use for everyone. Watch this video to learn how it works:

The Mega-Menu Builder brings along fantastic UI support for audience targeting, multi-tenant configurations, and translations. This means you can now effortlessly personalize your navigation menus based on your specific audience, seamlessly manage multiple tenant configurations, and provide translations to accommodate your diverse and multilingual workforce.

Additionally, we’ve updated the navigation designer making it easier than ever to design and navigate your digital workplace.

With these enhancements, you can create a more efficient and user-friendly digital environment that caters to the unique needs of your organization. 


Custom Hierarchical Relationships at LiveTiles Directory

Now let’s head on to the new feature in LiveTiles Directory – Custom Hierarchical Relationships. This innovative functionality empowers you to design custom fields that outline your organization’s structure, making it easier to intelligently locate individuals and generate tailored hierarchical org charts. This is particularly beneficial for large enterprises, where an individual might have multiple positions or duties across various roles and projects.

Here’s an example: Picture yourself as a member of the product marketing team, where you report directly to the Head of Marketing. Simultaneously, you’re overseeing a project within the product team, necessitating reporting to the Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

In conventional org charts, illustrating this dual reporting relationship could prove challenging. However, with LiveTiles Directory’s new feature, you can now accurately represent this structure through a visually appealing and comprehensive display of complex hierarchical connections within your organization.

This ensures everyone understands the various roles and reporting structures, fostering better communication and collaboration within your organization.

We know that every organization has its own distinct needs, and we’re committed to providing a tailored experience just for you. Don’t miss the chance to explore the benefits of our workplace directory solutions with our experts. Schedule a personalized demo. 


Real-Time Analytics for LiveTiles Reach: an intelligent, event-driven analytics platform for communicators

Our updated LiveTiles Reach Analytics comes with a dynamic dashboard that processes data in real-time. It gathers information from various Reach features, offering a comprehensive view of data from both user-facing and server-side perspectives.

While this feature is currently being tested among selected customers, we invite you to schedule a demo session to experience firsthand how this update can elevate your digital workplace without any obligation. Grab this opportunity by scheduling a demo session with our experts


Performance, experience, and infrastructure updates

We are committed to continuously improving LiveTiles to meet your evolving needs and provide you with the best digital workplace solution. Our latest enhancements focus on improving performance, enhancing user experience, and strengthening our infrastructure.

  • Governance Dashboard: Now, you have the ability to export your dashboard views to a CSV file. This feature allows for easy data analysis and report generation, making it simpler to share insights and findings with your team.
  • New Quick-Links experience: With our latest feature update, you’re in control. Personalize, edit, and organize your intranet’s quick links like never before – Curious? Take a look here.
  • Improved Usability: We’ve fine-tuned our popular Everywhere Panel, and it now displays labels beneath icons for a seamless user experience – Learn More
  • Improved Content Tracking and Notifications of LiveTiles Reach: We have recently simplified how users can follow content and receive notifications for new and updated information. Learn more
  • Build your custom employee app: With LiveTiles Reach as the foundation, our customers can now launch their distinctive, fully branded employee communications app to align with their employees’ expectations for mobile-first Interested in seeing it in action? Why not schedule some time with our experts for a hands-on preview?
  • Performance Updates: Finally, we are releasing significant performance improvements across the platform this month, particularly enhancing the Reach Web Parts. – Learn more about Reach Web Parts here

What’s next?

We have more product updates and innovations coming. Visit our blog, so you don’t miss a thing.

Not a customer yet? Schedule a demo of LiveTiles to see how you can build a digital workplace that connects your people and reduces complexity.

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